Friday, August 31, 2007

Consumer Alert

Well there are many things about becoming an adult that are confusing and overwhelming and that make me just want to be a kid again. Like: keeping track of dentist and doctor payments/insurance/charges. Jason and I have learned that hard way that "helping" professionals may not always have our best interest in mind. I write today to warn all consumers to keep track of all tests run and services charged. Write everything down. Ask lots of questions. Don't give them permission to do things that you don't think are necessary. Be up on what your insurance covers and keep in contact with your provider to have up to date details on benefits paid and maximum money allowed per service. We have had the misfortune of being charged for things we don't need and for being blindly led into lots of services without all the information. We have also experienced that these professionals are not perfect. I know what a shocker, but we trust them to be as close to perfect as possible. My last advice is to be assertive. We have also gotten people to listen when we speak up. Good luck to all and your future adult-making activities.

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