Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Trying to be Debt Free

I have been listening to Dave Ramsey every afternoon that I can and I am desperately trying to get debt free. I am beginning to see that the forces of this world are fighting hard to keep me down. I will be triumphant -- with the Lord's help. And I wanted to encourage my fellow bloggers as I encourage myself. Here is some things I have learned. Sometimes earning more money just makes you spend more. Learn to live on less. Also try try try to create an emergency fund of atleast $1000 to keep you going on the road to financial freedom for those unfortunate mishaps of car repairs or broken glasses. I say all this in hopes that I will soon take my own advice and that my husband will get as fired up about it as I am. Good luck to all and May God shower us with his blessings. Please leave any tips for have.

1 comment:

Erik and Mary said...

Good for you! Erik and I went through Financial Peace University a few years back through our church. Because of that we were able to get really involved with My total Money Make Over and we are good friends with Dave! He is coming to Portland next month with Sharon and we are looking forward to encouragment he is to us!
Keep the hard work...for it is HARD!